Friday, July 6, 2012


What To Do When…
The Reading of The Word
Psalm 43
Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause against an ungodly people, from the deceitful and unjust man deliver me! For you are the God in whom I take refuge; why have you rejected me? Why do I go about mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling! Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy, and I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God. Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.

Let’s Pray
Father, This morning it is into the very heart of your guidance and ways that we will venture into as we learn to surrender to your sovereign ways in us. Give our hearts the vision of your love and majesty. Stir within us the desire to love you through submission. Submission of our plans and goals to the eternal plans and goals of the advancement of your kingdom. Bring us the desire to pray uphanded with everything we think we possess. And speak your convicting word to us now, in Jesus Name Amen

Warm up
You may be seated.  If you need a bible please raise your hand and we’ll get one to you. I have some notes for you to use if you want to follow along.

In this short Psalm,verse 1 shows us the situation of the psalmist life. And then we see the situation of the psalmist heart. He feels as if God has abandoned him. Yet later in the prayer he stirs his desire for God and declares that God is his exceeding  joy. This is what we talked about last week in understanding what it means for God to be our hearts desire that we most glorify him when we are satisfied in him. We even see the psalmist preaching and encouraging himself, “why so downcast soul, put your hope in God!” There are time when we need to encourage ourselves in that be speech or song.

This title of today’s message is When God says no. Some of the most confusing times in the Christian life is when we pray what is seemingly the will of God and God answers in the word NO. Why do some people get miracles and others don’t. Why do some people pray for sick people and they get well and  other people pray for sick people and they die? Why do some people pray for children and get them and others who pray for children and don’t get them. Why do some people pray for a relief of pain and get instant satisfaction
while others pray for relief of pain and have to live with it for the rest of their lives.

Why is it that I’ve prayed for god to heal me of  my mild form cerebral palsy, yet he still says for this time “no”
I think it

We Misunderstand Prayer:
Like a genie  bottle rub three times and God says your wish is my command. But that reverse roles. Makes God our servant.

First Aid kit. Last Resort “All we can do is pray.  As if it’s totally hopeless now and when we say this its now a dead issue.

Tug of War: Have to convince God make our sales pitch and then get the request.

The Bible says God wants to answer our prayers.

“Call to me and I will answer you…”            Jer. 33:3

20 in the New Testament told to ask.
God wants to answer our prayers.

But honestly  It seems as if God isn’t even listening. The gates of heaven are shut and closed to only your requests.
What’s the problem.
When we read: Ask any thing in prayer, what so ever you believe in faith you will have, ask anything in my name and I will do it.
Doesn’t that sound like an open check- unlimited credit line.
So is God just teasing us?  Why are those verses their… false advertising.

The fact is God answers pray, but not in the way we always want him to.
God has not promised that he would answer your prayers an old way you want Him to.

               Sometimes God says yes! We like this way!

               Sometimes God says not yet! Wait, and we don’t know when.  A delay is  not a denial!
                           No and not yet are not the same thing. God does want to give to us we just have to wait

               Sometimes God says no! This is the most difficult
                           Bible examples
                           Moses- promise land… God said no
                           Abraham- bless Ishmael… God said no
                           David- Bathesheba’s baby… God said no

   If He can say no to Moses, Abraham and David- chances are he’s going to say no to us once in a while.

The problem is:
If God is loving—and he is
If God is all powerful—and he is.

Then why does He say no to my seemingly good request.


1.     BECAUSE HE HAS ___A Bigger Perspective______________
God has a bigger view of our life. 
First he sees the future
And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Heb 4:13

One of the problems of our prayers is that we can’t see the possible result of God answering them.  It may be the worst thing that could happen in our lives.
If we could see life the way God sees it we would have no troubles. We’d anticipate every corner turn of trouble,  problems and events. We’d know how to pray and when to pray.

The truth is - We’re human, we can’t see the consequences down the road sometimes.
We’re limited in our perspective, so what we need when we pray is God’s perspective.

Parents- ever say no to your kids. Why- to protect them
Ex- Driving a car 12 year old.
You have a bigger perspective.

Now imagine the perspective our heavenly Father has in our life.
Because he could see the danger ahead of us he says No.

College students I know that at this point in life, you are feeling invulnerable, that nothing will stop yo and your sheer will conquers everything you put your mind to… Your bullet proof.
But God says no your not. You don’t see where the next bullets from but I do.

He sees the long term effects.  We can drive ourselves crazy trying to figure out why God said no, chances are we won’t know. Be cause he has the bigger perspective, we have Trust Him in the times it doesn’t make sense.
One reason is found in Scripture:
 (God is )guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints.                                                      Prov 2:8

Sometimes God says no to protect you from unforeseen problems.
The Bible is filed with Examples of this.

·         Daniel and Lion Den. Do you think one of his prayers to God was not to be thrown in? God said no. Daniel was put in the lions den and the lions mouth was shut.  Actually the safest place for Daniel to be was in the den at the time.

·         Same book three guys thrown into a fiery furnace.  They prayed not to be but they went through it and in the furnace the ropes they were bond with fell off. God had a bigger perspective.

·         Paul wanted to go to Rome to preach. He had his idea. Of evangelizing the most influential city in that day. But that’s not what happened …There are times that we presume on God that “well of course he wants us to evangelize” Yet God at times doesn’t open a door and says yes to everything we think he wants us to do.. ‘Well of course he wants me to get married.     Our presumption are often full of good intentions… for ourselves instead of consideration of what glorifies God the most.

Bound with chains as a prisoner of the Roman Empire, he was put in a cell left to rot. While he was there, he wrote some letters. While Paul wanted to reach thousands in Rome, God had a bigger perspective to have him reach billions through those letters that are now a part of the New Testament Scriptures!

2.     BECAUSE HE HAS___A Better Plan_____________________
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.                       Isa 55:8-9
God’s plan is very different than our plan.  No ones live here has turned out exactly the way you planned.

Circle the Words WAYS  plural.
God has many ways to work in your life.  Many alternatives. God is not forced to answer your pray in simply one.

It’s not just yes or no with God, But “Which of the thousands of options should I use to answer your prayer.

He has a better plan

Example: Your going into financial difficulty  Going into Debt. You pray God help me to get out of debt.
God can answer that prayer in numerous different ways.
1.     He could give you a miracle of money in your mail box
2.     He could raise your income
3.     Could give you a higher paying job
4.     Could lower your expenses
5.     Could make what you have last longer
6.     Teach you to be a better money manager

Many ways to get you out of debts.  He might give you a combination of ways, from a miracle to common sense practice.

But the problem is when we pray, we tell God not only what we want, but when we want it, how we want it, what way we want it wrapped and in what manner. God says wait a minute. I’ve got a better idea.

We arrogantly think that we know  what is best because we think we’re God. we’re not God! You’re not God?

When we pray we want it in the quickest and easiest way.  Never do we here,” Lord answer my prayer and take the toughest and longest road possible.”

God is not interested in speed or convenience- He’s interested in what is best for His glory and what is best for you as he molds you to reflect that glory to Himself.  He’s interested in your character. You take your character into eternity.  God is not here to give you your every wish and command. You’d  be a spoiled brat. If you got everything you wanted anyway you wanted. You’s be selfish
God says I have a better plan, a better idea.
Turn to Hebrews 11: 39-40

And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect. Heb 11:39-40

Examples in my life.
WSU Second year, finances Denied a loan God said no.
Later that year, an opportunity to build a youth center in Moline Ill. A church interested in a youth outreach Never heard from after immediate interest- God said no.
I’ve got a bigger plan.  CFNI- yes answers in prayer it was an exercise of faith. 1st semester had just enough money for one semester.   God provided that whole time.

Came back to La Crosse There was a time I didn’t get a job I wanted. God dsaid no why not God? I didn’t understand it at the time.
But God had a bigger plan.
I stayed on with Service Master, went back to school to get my bachelors degree. In that time, I realized my heart was for adults and not just youth like it once was. I also learned my heart was for the church.
I was transferred up to Winona Watlow, and it was there,  I heard of a small church looking for a pastor.

God had a bigger plan in my life.
The bigger plan was to minister  for a season in a struggling church, to give them the care and to share the hope in Christ.

{preach} Some of us make plans, and then ask God to bless it. Stop It.  See where God is working and then join Him. That starts with a heart to pray and obey.  As a churh one of our values is to be reliant on God through prayer.  We need to be still in prayer time for a long time and hear His voice and see where he is leading and like mature disciples, follow Him.

To glorify God  we have to ask God what do you want to do to show your glory to this community?  We put aside our plans and ask you to tell us what to do. And we’ll know you bless us.

God has a better idea than we do

3.     BECAUSE HE HAS____a _ greater purpose______________________
The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.              Prov 16:4

God has a purpose in everything even unanswered prayers.
God is not obligated to explain all of his purposes to you. He doesn’t owe you an explanation because he’s God.
He doesn’t need our approval or needs to check in with us and see if it’s ok.
You are a part of His purposes, not the other way a round.

We need to get that straight.  We don’t just include God in our lives on a side note. He is to be our life@.

God wants us to focus on character that honors Him, while we want to focus on comfort
God wants us to have an eternal perspective, a kingdom , while we want  temporary pleasures.

What is God’s purpose in your problems?
so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ     1 Peter 1:7

He wants to test your faith.
In delayed answers he says, “Will you still trust me?”
When he says no he says “Will you still trust me.?”

Ex Parents say to child Because I said so. Parent is saying you need to trust me now that I know better. I love you but I’m wiser.
As imperfect parents we say that, certainly as our Perfect Father,  We should trust God.

You might be discouraged this morning with a prayer request that has gone unanswered.
The key to battling discouragement in times like these is to look past the problem to ask, what is God’s purpose in all of this?

So we do not lose heart… For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 2 Cor 4:16-18

Did you know  that God allows you to go through the pain in your life for the benefit of other people? Sometimes  God says no to what your going through so that at a later time in your life, you can be a blessing to others.
What painful event have you gone through, where God had taught you to trust in Him on a deeper level. That now your experience can help others.
A miscarriage, parenting woes, maybe a divorce or something that happened 38 years ago, that you’ve never shared publicly before.  Maybe it was turbulent time in your marriage and how you got through.
What pain have you gone through that today, you might turn that around and say, Lord I want to  help others in that situation.

God had a greater purpose when he allowed the cup of going to the cross remain Jesus burden.  He had a greater purpose. It was for His wrath  to be satisfied our sins to be forgive for salvation from the consequence of our sins to be a gift so that God would be most glorified in the universe seeing his Grace and mercy on deserving sinners. On Friday I explained to a young 21 year old who works in my department  that baptism doesn’t save you from hell, what condemns us to hell is our sin. And he said in his very colorful language  “oh well then I’m “done for” and I said we all are, except for the gift of grace extended to sinners to be forgiven, justified and born again, all by  God’s glorious work on the cross. Amen?

If you want less stress in your life and have more peace you are going to have to come to grips with two truths.
1.     Something I’m never going to understand
   You need to except that
Deut29:29 "The secret things belong to the Lord our God,
there are something God has kept secret
   God doesn’t owe me an explanation

2.     Something are never going to change no matter how much you pray.
   Let’s be honest.
   Something will not change because God’s got a bigger perspective- trying to protect you from something.
   Better plan- the stories not over,
   Greater purpose- he’ll give you the power to handle it and it will give him the most glory
 What do you do…  give up praying?
No. Because you don’t know if it’s a delay or a no.
You keep praying daily for it but you include in your pray- Lord even if you don’t answer this prayer, I’m going to trust you anyway. I will still love you. Because you have a greater purpose.
You surrender, you submit.
That God has greater perspective, a better plan and a bigger purpose in your life. Even when he says no.

Ever notice that Children have a tough time with e word No
Tell a toddler no they throw a temper tantrum.
Do you ever do that with God?

One of the marks of maturity as you grow up is to realize that no is a legitimate  answer.

 You’re ability to  accept no  will show your spiritual maturity.


1.     TRUST EVERYTHING GOD DOES IS __Motivated by love________
 All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.                                                                                                                                Ps 25:10
Circle all
As a child he acts in loving ways
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose                                                                                               Rom 8:28
This is a promise to only those who love Him.

What happens is that Satan comes in with doubts. He says “See God doesn’t love you it doesn’t pay to serve God. You should quit. Quit church, Christianity and this whole idea of loving God.”

Satan is a liar truth is that God loves you too much to give you everything you ask for.

No loving parent would ever give everything that child asks for… it would ruin them
God knows what is just right for you. When God says no, he’s doing it out of love.

2.     EXPECT GOD TO GIVE ME THE___ Grace to handle the answer_____________
Grace is the power to handle the pain. To handle the pain when God says no.
Grace is the power  to do the right thing even when I don’t feel like it.
Even Paul…
“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
                                                                                                                           2 Cor. 12:7-9 (NIV)

for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.                                                                                                                                                                       Phil 2:13

When God says no we have to trust he has a bigger perspective, a better plan and a greater purpose in our lives
Read Fanny Crosby’s poem from  Trusting God book
What have you prayed for and God hasn’t given it to you.
Will you live for God in spite of it… even if you don’t get it.
 Would you trust Him knowing today’s truths in
Psalm 9:10  Those who know the Lord will trust the Lord.
If you don’t trust God when he answers no, then you don’t know him.

The more you know God, the more you’ll trust him.
Almighty God you are a big God you see further, you plan better you, have great purpose for your kingdom and ultimately for your glory. My we praise you when you say know, may we praise you with the yes. May we remember the lesson of Job, That you give and that you take away, regardless of your no and yes to our requests, may we bless your name”

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